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Blog Post 1

Lady Gaga Article: Why it’s news?

The reason the Lady Gaga interview is considered news is because she is talking about how she has grown up and that has reflected her life overall. I think that it is considered news because she has grown up with a life that was not easy and one that required hard work and dedication to get to where she is now. She uses her platform and her voice to speak on issues that surround our country.

Blog Post 4

Throughout the Ted talk, the speaker gave many tips all of which are important and valuable to an interview. One tip I especially liked and will use when completing my own interviews is "do some prep". I feel as though researching and preparing ahead of time before your interview helps you to not only seem more intelligent and like you know what your talking about, but also better understand your subject. Along with those benefits, doing preparation ahead of time will also help you to ask more related questions so you can get the most out of your interview and best related information for your article.

Blog Post 6

The first amendment includes the right of "free press" because a government that controls what the press is allowed to publish is one that is choosing to dictate and shield the people from media that negatively would effect the government. It would also be able to hide information that put certain politicians or global events into the limelight that didn't benefit the government. The press is free from being restricted on what they can print and talk about in the media, so long as they are not committing treason or printing lies. Free press is still important in 2018, because not all countries are lucky enough to receive such a right. Countries such as North Korea are shown news and media that positively reflects the Korean government and their dictator in a better manner then what is actually the truth. 

Blog Post 8

Article Ideas:

  • How administration is handling the juuling at school

  • Reviews on cafeteria food, healthier options? 

  • Garnet Valley football is 7-0, what does this mean for the team? Covering a playoff game?

  • Profile on Mr. Ricci, GVHS football head coach

Blog Post 10

I plan on writing an opinion article next, specifically a review on the high school play. "Sly Alchemy From That Lamp" is an example of a review article and was written to review the Broadway musical Aladdin. The reason I chose this article is because I thought it would be a good sample to base my own theatre review off of. This article mainly discusses how the play highly exceeded the NY Times reviewer's expectations. This article was located in the Theatre section of the NY Times. The angle of the article is written as an audience member watching the show and their opinion on it and it's production. The author's style seems negative and unexcited about the play at first but quickly switches from his pessimistic view to how he was delightfully surprised by the play. The structure of this article does not follow the inverted pyramid because it is written in chronological order. I don't think I will use this sample's format in my article because I feel as though an inverted article will result in a stronger written article. 

Blog Post 12

One article I found was related to the genre of the music industry. My next article I planned on writing was an album release review and to gather opinions from others. I found one based on the release of Post Malone's album called "Beerbongs and Bentley: On Track for a Grammy". This article discussed the release of Post Malone's second recording album and discussed the number of tracks included, the duration of the album, and when it was released. This article also included personal opinions and favorite songs of the author along with other people that were interviewed as well. The reasons I selected this particular article was because I personally am a fan of Post Malone and was excited for that particular album release as well. 

Blog Post 14

Your Thoughts Question:

I believe that this film is very important and it should be shown to journalism classes. I think that this movie can teach young journalists the way to go about journalistic writing especially of a controversial topic that can be perceived negatively by many. The reason the journalists in this movie were concerned in publishing their article, was because of the backlash they would receive not only from the Catholic church but all of the Catholic church's supporters. The topic that was being written about was one that many readers would want to be in denial about, and would be horrific to many readers as well. But the journalists who pushed to have the article published felt as though the safety of future children and not allowing the Catholic church to get away with the crimes they were committing was more important which is how all journalists should go about investigative writing.

Blog Post 16

The name of the article I found was called "Charles Manson Follower Who Murdered Man is Recommended for Parole". This article was written for and published by People Magazine. The topic of the article is discussing a copycat criminal who was obsessed with Charles Manson and the crimes he committed. The techniques used to keep the write engaged included many pictures. There were pictures of Charles Manson, the copycat murderer, and the attorney. The article was not also overly long and drawn out so the reader did not have to stay engaged for a long period of time. Visuals made a difference in this piece because it was important to know what Charles Manson and the copycat murderer looked like, or else it would have been left to the reader's imagination. For my website, this taught me I should include many visuals and not have drawn out articles in lengthy paragraphs. The short and concise paragraphs kept me engaged throughout the entire piece. As a producer of news, this taught me lessons in focusing on keeping the consumer interested. As a consumer of news, this taught me how much thought process is required to write a well-written article that people will read in entirety.

Blog Post 2

Why Do We Focus on the Bad News?

In this day and age, news sources tend to focus mainly on news that has a negative connotation or sad or unfortunate effect. Many people tend to be interested in the bad things that are going on in the world and also want to be informed about them. Being informed on these topics can help us to not repeat the same mistakes or allow us to be educated on certain topics going on in the world, it's just an unfortunate matter that many things going on int he worlds are negative. Although the negative news is often highlighted, there is still plenty of time where happy news about charities, events, or people is shared with the world as well. 

Blog Post 5

Technology today has made it extremely easy to gather and build upon research compared to how research was collected in previous years. The internet has continuously expanded leading journalists to dig and find out more information in a quicker time period. Tools such as google maps, social media, and a variety of other online sources can help journalists discover how to contact a specific person, learn about where videos and pictures were taken, or fact check their sources and the information their sources give them. 

Technology today has made it extremely easy to gather and build upon research compared to how research was collected in previous years. The internet has continuously expanded leading journalists to dig and find out more information in a quicker time period. Tools such as google maps, social media, and a variety of other online sources can help journalists discover how to contact a specific person, learn about where videos and pictures were taken, or fact check their sources and the information their sources give them. 

Blog Post 7

The headline is "Did Juul Lure Teenagers and get 'Customers for Life'?". The authors on the byline are Matt Richtel and Sheila Kaplan. The article was published on August 27, 2018. This article is considered news because it discusses the vaping epidemic that has taken the country by storm. Teens all across America are addicted to Juuls due to the nicotine in each pod. The news values displayed are conflict, human interests, and consequence. There are about 3 sentences in each paragraph. The information that appears first is about who created the company Juul when it was created, and marketing strategies developed. The last information included was in relation to the heads of the company wanting to keep teenagers safe and still profit off of adult smokers trying to quit smoking.

Blog Post 9

After having the teacher from Washington DC discuss with us the ethics of publishing news and photojournalism, in particular, it opened up my eyes to how difficult it can be to determine whether it is ethical or not to publish something. There is a fine line for what is considered ethical or not and it's important that you try to not cross that line because it can cost you your credibility and reputation or even your job.

Blog Post 11

Option 1: What does this movie say about society’s expectations from journalists? Consider the pressure to be factual, informative, and interesting.


I think that this movie does a good job of showing off how society expects the truth from journalists. If society didn't expect the truth, and fabricated stories were okay, then Glass would not have been in the amount of trouble that he was or be fired like he was. There is a great amount of pressure to be factual because the slightest error in an article can lead to a suspension as a journalist.

Blog Post 13

Verification and Documentation Question: 

The Spotlight team had to go through great lengths in terms of making sure all of the information they had and all of their sources was credible. The reason they needed to do this is because if they hadn't they would possibly deal with printing stories that were false. By printing false stories, this gives the publisher vulnerability to be attacked by other press stories or for a different publisher to get the true story and print a better story than you. Also, in this case in particular, if they hadn't done their research, they would not have discovered as many priests who were involved as they originally believed. The journalists originally believed 10-15 priests were involved in forms of sexual assault on minors and later learned that this number was realistically closer to 80-90 priests.

Blog Post 15

In my opinion, I think it is important that a newspaper/yearbook/magazine staff should pay attention to style is due to the fact that that is one of the things that keeps the reader engaged in an article. Reading a bland article with no style is not enjoyable for the reader and more likely for them to stop reading and move on to a different article. I think when it comes to editing, the biggest struggle is being able to look at something you've written with fresh eyes and realize that your first attempt most likely wasn't your best work. 

Blog Post 17

My goal for my personal digital profile is to have a site that is neat and clean and read by many. My intended audience is high school students who can relate to my writing. I will reach my audience by posting about it on my various forms of social media. I hope to show my opinion on a variety of topics throughout my profile and also provide information about school functions and events. In my journalism career, I hope to continue to put forth my honest opinion and put out the best content for my readers. I think this website will help present my strengths as a journalist by displaying my variety of articles and topics that they are written on, showing that I am able to be versatile in what I am writing.

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